Corporate Info
Surrounded by more than 5 major universities such as UPM, UM, UKM, MMU, UNITEN and UNITAR and more than 5 major government research centres such as MPOB, AGM, TMRND, TNRD and STRIDE within 15 kilometre radius help the company focus in giving the best support to our valuable customer. Surplus from this, we are now growing to the norhern side of Malaysia, which providing very competitive equipment to their laboratory and research center. One of our honorable customer is from UNIMAP, and USM. With rapid growth of research in Malaysia, our southern region is very convincing in their research & development. We are proud to be parts of UTHM and UTM team as their core partner in their laboratory solution.
The main focus of establishing this is to assist and facilitate the end users to acquire the most sophisticated and latest scientific equipment from Principles located all over the world. In this respect it is hoped that the company would be able to enhance research and development in this country.From time to time, application engineers from all of this company are invited to conduct seminars and workshops with the intention to give more exposure to the respectful researchers. This approach has proven to be effective and positive to produce new research findings and products of quality.